Front-End für InfluxDB v2?


Hallo zusammen

Weiss jemand was brauchbares für Windows oder auch als Web-GUI, ähnlich phpmyadmin?

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Ich benutze phpmyadmin nicht, daher weiß ich nicht, was so ähnlich ist. Schon mal die Seite von Influx gefragt?
Was davon brauchst Du oder was brauchst Du, was dort nicht steht?

Install and use the influx CLI

Use the influx and influxd command line interfaces to interact with and manage InfluxDB.

Use Kapacitor with InfluxDB OSS

Kapacitor is a data processing framework that makes it easy to create alerts, run ETL (Extract, Transform and Load) jobs and detect anomalies. Use Kapacitor with InfluxDB OSS 2.x.

Use the Flux LSP with Vim

Use the Flux LSP with Vim to add auto-completion, syntax checking, and other language-specific features to your editor.

Use Chronograf with InfluxDB OSS

Chronograf is a data visualization and dashboarding tool designed to visualize data in InfluxDB 1.x. It is part of the TICKstack that provides an InfluxQL data explorer, Kapacitor integrations, and more. Continue to use Chronograf with InfluxDB Cloud and InfluxDB OSS 2.x and the 1.x compatibility API.

Use the Flux VS Code extension

The Flux Visual Studio Code (VS Code) extension provides Flux syntax highlighting, autocompletion, and a direct InfluxDB OSS server integration that lets you run Flux scripts natively and show results in VS Code.

Use the Interactive Flux REPL

Use the Flux REPL (Read–Eval–Print Loop) to execute Flux scripts and interact with InfluxDB and other data sources.

Use Grafana with InfluxDB OSS

Use Grafana to visualize data from your InfluxDB instance.

Use the Google Data Studio connector

The InfluxDB Google Data Studio connector lets you create reports and dashboards in Google Data Studio with data from InfluxDB Cloud or InfluxDB OSS 2.x.